Nothing Says the Holidays Like Eminent Domain?
Posted in Events, Projects

On those cold winter nights as the holidays approach, who doesn't pause for a moment to consider the long history between Christmas and eminent domain?  For those who don't spend their time in front of the fire sipping egg nog and contemplating condemnation, I offer these tidbits:

  • In August 2010, the Nevada Irrigation District voted to condemn part of a farm owned by Robert Hane.  How does this involve Christmas, you say?  Mr. Hane's farm produces - you guessed it - Christmas Trees.  For more on the story, read the Fair market value? Water district invokes eminent domain, from the Auburn Journal.
  • In May 2010, a town considered using eminent domain to acquire certain easements to facilitate construction of a new development, among other things.  According to the Meeting Minutes, the debate was typical of the times:  can / should the government condemn property to assist a private development?   The town:  Santa Claus, Indiana.  (For the record, the council deferred a decision on the issue.)
  • If you just need to feel the warmth of eminent domain under your hearth this holiday season, why not buy the new eminent domain stocking that is sweeping the nation.  (Seriously, who comes up with these things.)

Happy Holidays, everyone!  (And if you're in Southern California, stay dry.)

  • Rick E. Rayl

    Rick Rayl is an experienced litigator on a broad range of complex civil litigation issues.  His practice is concentrated primarily on eminent domain, inverse condemnation, and other real-estate-valuation disputes.  His public ...

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